
The phonetics of Formosan languages

While a sizeable body of literature has documented and analyzed the phonological and morpho-syntactic characteristics of Formosan languages, phonetic descriptions of these endangered languages are relatively scarce, and few of these phonetic studies …

Advantages of Constituency: Computational Perspectives on Samoan Word Prosody

In this paper, we computationally implement and compare grammars of Samoan stress patterns that refer to feet and that refer only to syllables in Karttunen’s finite state formalization of Optimality Theory, and in grammars that directly state …

The word-level prosody of Samoan

This paper documents and analyses stress and vowel length in Samoan words. The domain of footing, the Prosodic Word, appears to be a root and cohering suffixes; prefixes and most disyllabic suffixes form a separate domain. Vowel sequences that …